I read somewhere that our failures largely shape us and teach us a lot of valuable lessons.
We only need to look deeply and observe.
So I decided to do some thinking and I'm going to be telling you the story of the first (and by the special Grace of God the ONLY ) F9 I ever got in my life.
Apparently I didn't take pictures when I was in SS1 so please manage this one I took in SS3 with my friend, Victoria on our way to do some prefect duties
This was me in SS3, few years before SS1 2nd term, the term I got my first F in further mathematics.
What made this failure very dramatic was the fact that I got an A1 in the previous term.
Looking back now, I can remember how the teacher annoyed me, the way he taught annoyed me.
He will walk into the class and I'll feel anger rising in my chest, my skin will just be itching for him to leave.
Why would you stand in front of the board and be reading your note to yourself?
It irritated me and this made me uninterested for a very long part of the term.
And then a few weeks later, it was exam time and I went into panic mode.
Of course, I couldn't grasp many of the new concepts we had been taught that term and I was too proud to ask for help.
How can the girl that got 2nd position out of 60 students, with all As in the previous term not understand further maths.
So I struggled on my own.
Justified my struggling with, “After all People said further maths is hard, they are right.”
Wrote the exam, got my first F, cried my eyes out and learnt my lesson.
I proceeded to get a C in the next term with that same teacher and then As till I get graduated.
This is one of the many failures that taught me a life-changing lesson and I'll share just 3 simple lessons I learnt from it with you.
Side note: This will be extremely helpful for you If you're struggling to learn something new. So pay close attention
Let's dive in.
1. Be interested in it.
You might read this and ask yourself, but I'm interested in it now.
But I need you to think of the way you're interested in a movie so you postpone your dinner until you get to the ending.
That is the same way, you should be interested in crossing the hurdles you come across as you learn.
The bitter truth is most times the passion and interest that seems so far away will come closer when you spend more time doing it.
So spend more time doing that particular thing and build interest.
2. Don't struggle alone.
Reach out for help, I'm terrible at this and I know exactly what it feels like.
Sometimes asking for help feels like you're doing too much or you're disturbing them with your problems.
I know, I understand but please Disturb Them!!
You're most definitely the one overthinking and regret is even more terrible than disturbing someone so please ask for help.
3. Have a positive Approach.
My sister once told me, one of the worst mistakes you can do to yourself is to quit or not try at all just because people are ‘saying’ it is hard.
It's hard for them, definitely doesn't mean it will be hard for you and the last thing you want to do is take their word for it and not try at all
Or even worse, try with a failure mentality.
So you're trying but in your head you're already like I already know I can't pass this course.
That's a No!!!!
Have a fresh and positive approach.
If you're struggling to learn something new whether a course, a new skill or even your spiritual life. I hope this helps.
I also shared one more bonus tip on instagram, if you've seen my latest post you'll probably know it already.
Otherwise, go HERE 👈 to find out
It's the cherry topping on the ice cream I want to leave you with for the new week.
Stay Intentional,
Ps: Don't forget to LIKE this mail so I'll know you read till the end.
And tell me your thoughts (or just say thank you🤭) in the COMMENT section
And most importantly, SHARE on your stories if it was useful to you so it can be useful to other young people too❤️
Pss: I might be sending the mails on Sunday evenings like these because I'm back to school and a lot of you guys are back to school too and Monday morning with 8am lectures is not exactly the best time to read a mail so I hope this new time works for you❤️